

Updated: 04/02/2023


Article I:  Name

The name of this service committee is the Boulder Area Service Committee, hereafter to be referred to as B.A.S.C. (for convenience).

Article II:  Purpose

The purpose of the B.A.S.C. is to serve its member groups and their primary purpose by helping member groups address their day to day situations and needs. Whenever a member group has a specific need which it has not been able to resolve, it may use the B.A.S.C. for counsel. The B.A.S.C.’s primary function is to serve the member groups; it is not a governing body for its member groups nor is it a governing body for Narcotics Anonymous; it is directly responsible to its member groups.

An N.A. group is any meeting which meets regularly at the same time and place and follows the guidelines set forth in A Guide to Local Services in Narcotics Anonymous World Service approved literature. The primary purpose of each N.A. group should be to carry the message of recovery to the addict who still suffers. Any new N.A. group must meet for three (3) months before it can be added to the printed Boulder Area Meeting List but the new N.A. group may be added to the Boulder Area N.A. website at any time it is requested.

Article III:  Meetings

B.A.S.C. is held on the first Sunday of each month, at a predetermined location. Occasionally, if the first Sunday lands on a holiday or holiday weekend, the B.A.S.C. meeting will be moved to another agreed upon Sunday, and the new date will be posted on our Boulder Area N.A. website. Additionally, special meetings may be requested by a motion at B.A.S.C.

Article IV:  Proposals and Consensus Based Decision Making

“For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority – a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.”



All proposals are decided through consensus based decision making. Any N.A. members are welcome to attend the B.A.S.C., introduce proposals, and participate in discussion. Proposals are to be submitted on the B.A.S.C. proposal form with enough time (ideally one month in advance) to go through the consensus based decision making process at  the B.A.S.C..

Consensus Based Decision Making

Though the use of consensus based decision making takes longer to achieve an outcome, the results are more clearly understood. In addition, consensus based decision making allows any proposal to be easily modified as discussion progresses. Making a motion and requiring a second motion is not necessary in consensus based decision making. Decision makers become a single point of accountability for the people they represent (see The 12 Concepts of N.A. Service).

Consensus Based Decision Making Process

  1. Bring proposals to the B.A.S.C. that are formulated in advance with as much collaboration as possible to facilitate the consensus decision process.
  2. The maker of the proposal speaks first to the intent.
  3. Open up the floor for clarifying questions about the proposal (not a debate on the merits but a brief session to be sure everyone understands the proposal).
  4. The facilitator asks whether anyone has reservations about the proposal. These are heard and they may be answered or the proposal may be modified.
  5. Once all reservations have been heard and answered in this way, the Facilitator asks, “Do we have consensus?” Voting participants respond in one of four ways:
  6. Assent: This means that the decision maker supports the proposal. The decision maker has heard the discussion, has had a chance to participate in the process of finalizing the proposal and is in agreement with every aspect.
  7. Assent with Reservations: Done by the decision maker raising their hand and simply saying, “Assent with Reservations.” The decision maker is simply noting that they can support the proposal and continue to have these reservations.
  8. Stand Aside: A statement that the decision maker does not support the proposal, but the decision maker’s objection is not of the severity to warrant a block. Should the number of decision makers opting to be stand asides reach 15% or more, this will indicate a consensus too weak to adopt the proposal.
  9. Block: Given that a proposal can be defeated by a sufficient number of Stand Asides, a block should be an extremely rare step taken only when a participant honestly believes that one of the Traditions or Concepts is directly violated by this proposal. A decision maker who blocks must be able to articulate which Tradition or Concept or Spiritual Principle fundamental to NA is violated by the specific proposal. After the decision maker who blocks the proposal articulates their stance, the B.A.S.C. will consider the proposal again, and the proposal goes through the process again if needed.
  10. If the proposal cannot be adopted due to a lack of consensus, the proposal is then either dropped or delegated to the maker of the proposal or an ad-hoc committee for reworking.

Article V: Elections

Elections shall be held annually at the B.A.S.C. meeting, during the regularly scheduled March meeting. All trusted servants are elected by a vote from decision making B.A.S.C. members. Any member of N.A. can be nominated to any position but the nomination must be seconded by a decision making member of the B.A.S.C. Any nominee for a B.A.S.C. position must be present in order to state their qualifications for the position they would like to hold. All participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions and/or voice any objections concerning a nominee, while the nominee is present.


  1. A vote will be taken for all elected positions, regardless of the number of nominees.
  2. If there is only one nominee for a position after nominations have been closed, the election is known as a vote of acclamation and will be indicated as such by the Chairperson. The nominee must then receive ⅔ of the participating votes to be elected. If the nominee fails to receive  ⅔ then nominations will be reopened.
  3. While the voting process is taking place the nominees should leave the room.
  4. All decision making members in attendance may cast one vote for each position.
  5. The Chairperson will ask who is in favor of the first candidate nominated, then the second candidate, and so on. All votes for each candidate will be counted before moving on to the next one. The person with the most votes will be elected.
  6. The only votes that will be tallied are those in favor of the candidate. In the case of a vote of acclamation, the total number of voting members will be tallied as well, to determine a ⅔ majority.
  7. The Chairperson will vote only when a vote total is tied.
  8. The final vote totals will NOT be reflected in the minutes.


Article VI: Area-Level Trusted Servants

The Fourth Concept states “Effective leadership is highly valued in Narcotics Anonymous.  Leadership qualities should be carefully considered when selecting trusted servants.” With that in mind, the following list of qualifications is suggested for all B.A.S.C. trusted servants:

  1. Willingness to serve.
  2. Time and resources to fulfill the commitment for the full year.
  3. A working knowledge of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of Narcotics Anonymous.
  4. Prior N.A. service experience at the meeting level.
  5. Active participant of the Narcotics Anonymous fellowship.

Specific qualifications, duties and responsibilities of each B.A.S.C. trusted servant positions can be found in the following:

Trusted servants can serve a maximum of two (2) consecutive years in any one position.  Relapse constitutes automatic removal from any elected position.

Additionally, trusted servants may be removed for:

  1. Non-fulfillment of the duties of their position.
  2. Absence at three (3) or more consecutive B.A.S.C. meetings, unless an alternate and/or a written report is submitted to the Chairperson.

CHAIRPERSON:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years. Length of commitment is one (1) year. Duties of the chairperson include:

  1. Open the meeting on time.
  2. Recognize those who are entitled to the floor.
  3. Read each proposal and facilitate the proposal process.
  4. Enforce the rules relating to debate, order, and decorum within the committee.
  5. Expedite business in every way compatible with the rights of the members and observers.
  6. Decide all questions of order, unless the chairperson prefers to submit the question to the committee for decision.
  7. Respond to all inquiries of members relating to consensus based decision making or factual information bearing on the business of the committee.
  8. Authenticate by signature, when necessary, all acts, proposals, and proceedings of the B.A.S.C.
  9. Co-sign the B.A.S.C. bank account.
  10. Determine the agenda for each meeting.
  11. Appoint ad-hoc committee chairpersons.
  12. Conduct B.A.S.C. meetings with impartiality and fairness.
  13. Adjourn the meeting.
  14. If any group is unrepresented by the GSR or GSR-A  for 90 days, it will be the responsibility of the B.A.S.C. Chair or their representative to attend the unrepresented meeting to determine the level of help needed, if any.

VICE-CHAIRPERSON: Suggested clean time is two (2) years. Length of commitment is one (1) year. Duties of the vice-chairperson include:

  1. To serve as chairperson in the absence of the chairperson.
  2. Fill in for and assume responsibility for chairperson, treasurer, and secretary as needed.
  3. Fill in for and assume responsibility for any vacant subcommittee chairperson positions until such position is filled by election.

SECRETARY: Suggested clean time is one (1) year.  Length of commitment is one (1) year. Duties of the secretary include:

  1.       Take minutes at each B.A.S.C. meeting.
  2.       Distribute minutes to all B.A.S.C. Members no later than ten (10) days following the B.A.S.C. meeting.
  3.       Maintain and update archives, making them easily accessible.
  4.       Amend and maintain B.A.S.C. Guidelines as needed.

TREASURER:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years and a person currently employed. Length of commitment is one (1) year. Duties of the treasurer include:

  1.       Be the custodian of the B.A.S.C. funds.
  2.       Be a co-signer of the B.A.S.C.’s bank account.
  3.       Report receipts and disbursements at each meeting in an excel spreadsheet to be added to the minutes.
  4.       Disburse funds as directed by the B.A.S.C.
  5.       Keep receipts for all contributions and disbursements.
  6.       Disbursements other than budget priorities must be voted on by B.A.S.C.; Budget priorities are as follows:
  7. Phone Line – Pay answering service statements and other expenses as needed.
  8. Public Information – Pay pre-approved expenses as needed (meeting schedules).
  9. Hospitals & Institutions – Pay pre-approved expenses as needed.
  10. Rent – Pay monthly rent for space for B.A.S.C. meetings.
  11. Literature – Pay pre-approved expenses as needed.
  12. Activities – Pay pre-approved expenses as needed.
  13. Pre-approved donation to N.A. Colorado Region
  14.       Whenever possible, checks will be written directly to the businesses providing services to the B.A.S.C.
  15.       All members/groups/committees utilizing or requesting any B.A.S.C. funds will be required to provide the treasurer with an itemized budget request and financial report including all receipts.
  16.       The Treasurer shall keep an archive of the monthly bank account statements, including canceled checks, deposit slips, and all receipts.
  17.       Must have access to a computer.


VICE-TREASURER:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years and a person currently employed. Length of commitment is one (1) year.  Duties of the vice-treasurer include:

  1.       To serve as treasurer in absence of the current treasurer.
  2. To perform all the duties of the Treasurer (see above).

REGIONAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS (RCM1 and RCM2):  Suggested clean time is two (2) years. Length of commitment is one (1) year. The RCM(s) will carry the conscience of the B.A.S.C. to the Region and the Regional Assembly. They will also report back to the B.A.S.C. Regional and World activities of N.A. Please refer to A Guide to Local Services in Narcotics Anonymous, page 52, for more information. Duties of the RCM include:

  1.       Submit a written report of monthly activities and a copy of information submitted to the R.S.C., at each B.A.S.C. meeting.
  2.       Attend the Colorado Regional meetings of Narcotics Anonymous.
  3.       Attend the Colorado Regional Assembly of Narcotics Anonymous.
  4.       Represent the interest of the B.A.S.C. at the R.S.C. and carry the B.A.S.C.’s conscience.
  5.       The longest serving R.C.M. serves as the B.A.S.C. Chairperson in the absence of the B.A.S.C. Chair and B.A.S.C. Vice-Chair.

PHONE LINE CHAIRPERSON:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years as well as six (6) months of prior N.A. Phone Line experience. Length of commitment is one (1) year.  Duties of the Phone Line Chairperson include:

  1.       Directly responsible to the B.A.S.C.
  2.       Elect or appoint other Phone Line committee members or officers as necessary.
  3.       Provide a written report of all monthly activities at each B.A.S.C. meeting.
  4.       Hold regularly scheduled and announced quarterly Phone Line sub-committee meetings (or as often as needed).
  5.       Function under directions contained in this document and any guidelines offered by the Narcotics Anonymous World Service (N.A.W.S.) office.
  6.       Function within the principles of any N.A.W.S. phone line handbook, guidelines, or guide unless otherwise stated in writing by the Phone Line sub-Committee or B.A.S.C. as a group.
  7.       Maintain a list of current phone line volunteers.
  8.       Conduct business with the answering service.
  9.       Conduct and organize learning days as necessary.
  10.         Develop and/or maintain guidelines for the Phone Line sub-committee.

PUBLIC INFORMATION CHAIRPERSON:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years. Length of commitment is one (1) year. The purpose of the Public Information (P.I.) position is to provide conference approved literature and information to the public. The P.I. position serves as a resource of information about N.A. in the Boulder Area. The position will abide by the Public Relations Handbook, published by N.A.W.S. Duties of the Public Information Chairperson include:

  1.       Being directly responsible to the B.A.S.C.
  2.       Elect or appoint other P.I. committee members or officers as necessary.
  3.         Provide a written report of all monthly activities at each B.A.S.C. meeting.
  4.         Hold regularly scheduled and announced monthly P.I. meetings (or as often as needed).
  5.         Function under directions contained in this document and any guidelines offered by the N.A.W.S.
  6.         Function within the principles of any N.A.W.S. P.I. Handbook, guidelines, or guide, unless stated in writing by the P.I. sub-committee or B.A.S.C. as a group.
  7.       Amend, maintain stock of, and distribute current Boulder Area meeting lists at the B.A.S.C. and at P.I. related facilities.
  8.       Develop and/or maintain guidelines for the P.I. sub-committee.
  9.       Attend Colorado Regional Public Information Committee meetings.
  10.       Maintain a list of P.I. rack locations and the status of their accessibility.

ACTIVITIES CHAIRPERSON:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years and currently employed. Length of commitment is one (1) year. The purpose of the Activities position is to provide the N.A. fellowship in the Boulder Area with recovery-oriented activities and merchandise. Funds generated through N.A. Boulder Activities belong to the B.A.S.C. and are to be used to support the Boulder Area’s needs. Duties of the Activities Chairperson include:

  1.       Being directly responsible to the B.A.S.C.
  2.       Elect or appoint other Activities committee members or officers as necessary.
  3.       Provide a written report of all monthly Boulder Area activities at each B.A.S.C. meeting.
  4.       Hold regularly scheduled and announced monthly Boulder Area Activities meetings (or as often as needed.
  5.       Function under directions contained in this document and any Activities guidelines offered by N.A.W.S.
  6.       Function within the principles of any N.A.W.S. handbook, guidelines, or guide, unless stated in writing by the Activities sub-committee or B.A.S.C. as a group.
  7.       Any activity must be presented to the B.A.S.C. with a detailed budget and description (i.e.: a flier), for approval prior to the event.
  8.       Two (2) people are required to count funds after a given event.
  9.       All proceeds from a Boulder N.A. activity goes directly to the Treasurer as soon as possible and the proceeds belong to B.A.S.C.
  10.       Develop and/or maintain guidelines for the Activities sub-committee.

HOSPITALS AND INSTITUTIONS CHAIRPERSON:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years as well as six (6) months of prior H&I experience. Length of commitment is one (1) year. The purpose of the Hospitals and Institutions (H&I) position is to carry the message of recovery to those facilities whose clients are unable to regularly attend N.A. meetings in the Boulder Area. Duties of H&I Chairperson include:

  1.       Being directly responsible to the B.A.S.C.
  2.       Elect or appoint other H&I committee members or officers as necessary.
  3.       Provide a written report of all monthly H&I activities at each B.A.S.C. meeting.
  4.       Hold regularly scheduled and announced monthly meetings or as necessary.
  5.       Function under directions contained in this document and any Guidelines offered by N.A.W.S.
  6.       Function within the principles of any N.A.W.S. handbook, guideline or guide unless stated in writing by the Sub-Committee or B.A.S.C. as a group.
  7.       Develop and/or maintain guidelines for the H&I sub-committee.

LITERATURE CHAIRPERSON:  Suggested clean time is two (2) years and currently employed. Length of commitment is one (1) year. The purpose of the Literature position and sub-committee is to provide for members in the Boulder Area an opportunity to review or approve/disapprove current N.A. literature proposed for conference approval and to make literature available for the Boulder Area groups. This Sub-Committee also can develop original materials to be submitted to the N.A.W.S. Literature Committee. Duties of the Literature Chairperson include:

  1.       Being directly responsible to the B.A.S.C.
  2.       Elect or appoint other committee members or officers as necessary.
  3.       Provide a written report of all monthly activities at each B.A.S.C. meeting.
  4.       Hold meetings as necessary.
  5.       Function under directions contained in this document and any Guidelines offered by the World Service Office of Narcotics Anonymous.
  6.       Will also function within the principles of any World Service handbook, guideline or guide unless stated in writing by the Sub-Committee or B.A.S.C. as a group.
  7.       Order literature every month as needed.
  8.       Account for all funds received from literature sales to groups. All funds must be accounted for with receipts and a copy of the order form. Itemized reports will be submitted as part of the literature committee monthly report.
  9.       Literature is to be sold at the B.A.S.C. for all groups and subcommittees.
  10. Attempt to meet minimum order requirements for free shipping.
  11.       Facilitate literature review as suggested by Conference Agenda Report.

C.R.C.N.A. LIAISON:  Suggested clean time is one (1) year.  Length of commitment is one (1) year running concurrently with the C.R.C.N.A. sub-

committee term.  Duties include:

  1.       Attend C.R.C.N.A. subcommittee meetings and vote B.A.S.C. conscience.
  2.       Submit a written report monthly to B.A.S.C.

B.A.S.C. WEB SERVANT:  Suggested clean time is one (1) year.  Length of commitment is one (1) year.  Duties include:

  1.       Create and maintain Boulder Area website.
  2.       All material that will be posted on the Regional website must be approved by BASC.
  3.       Updates the web version of the meeting list as needed.
  4.       Attends or has an alternate attend the monthly B.A.S.C. meetings.
  5.       Communicates B.A.S.C. Meeting list changes to the Colorado Regional Service Committee.
  6.       This Subcommittee meets on a by-request basis. Any group, member or committee can request a meeting to address issues or requests.
  7.       The Subcommittee will host an annual meeting to inventory the functions of the website.
  8.       Must be familiar with web protocols
  9.     Must have a reliable connection to the Internet.
  10.     Is accountable to the B.A.S.C.

Article VII:  Amendments to Guidelines

These guidelines may be amended by the Consensus Based decision making process. The proposed amendment’s exact wording should be submitted on the proposal form.

Article VIII:  Monthly Automatic Disbursements and Prudent Reserve

The B.A.S.C. shall maintain a Prudent Reserve of $1000.00

The B.A.S.C. Post Office Box shall be paid on an annual basis

The B.A.S.C. website shall be paid automatically on a monthly basis

Article IX:  Bounced Check Policy

When any check is written to B.A.S.C. and is returned from the bank for insufficient funds, the Treasurer will inform the person at the next B.A.S.C. meeting.  The amount of the returned check plus any and all bank fees needs to be reimbursed to the B.A.S.C. either in cash or with a money order. The B.A.S.C. will accept no further checks from that person, and literature orders and group donations will be accepted in the form of a money order or cash only.


Article X:  Definitions

GSR:  Group Service Representative

BUDGET:  An itemized estimate of expected income and expenditures; plan of operations

CONSENSUS:  A position reached by a group as a whole

DECISION MAKER:  A Decision Maker shall be one (1) GSR per group, one (1) Area Level Trusted Servant. The Chairperson has no vote except to break a tie in an election.

FACILITATOR:  A person who guides the group through the consensus-based decision making process (i.e.: the Area Chairperson)

RECORDER:  A person who is responsible for recording the concerns and final disposition of all proposals (i.e.: the Area Secretary).

STAND ASIDE:  A person who has concerns but will allow the proposal to move forward

BLOCK:  Proposal is blocked based on a tradition or concept of Narcotics Anonymous.